Thursday, 9 April 2009

The Waiting Room - TEACAKE


For the second coming of the DR.ME curated one day Design exhibition The Waiting Room we were proud to present Manchester's own Teacake.  For the show, Teacake asked us to do A1 screen-prints of some lovely images that were based around the theme of summertime as it was officially the first day of summer.  This was challenging as we had not attempted anything larger than A3 before on silk-screen.  The prints came out beautifully and looked great.  As with the Nous Vous TWR we made a short zine for the first 50 people through the door. Teacake also had some lovely fold down posters made up to give away with the work on and a postcard competition of which the winner will be announced soon.  Many thanks to Teacake, of course to Nexus Art CafĂ© (they made Teacakes especially!) and to Sebastian Matthes for doing his time lapse film (we will be posting this very soon).   Next month we are extremely excited to welcome the superb Melvin Galapon up from London, lots of exciting things planned for this one so don't miss out.

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